Frequently asked Questions

  • Process facilitation involves creating a supportive environment for people to come together to share their ideas and perspectives towards achieving a mutual outcome. It involves reflecting on the past, evaluating the current situation, and strategising for the future. The beauty of facilitating process is that it allows for any goal, topic, or outcome to be explored and inspires people to take action! Trusting in the process to take people from where they are now to where they want to be requires alot of skill and that’s one of the many reasons I enjoy taking teams on this journey.

  • My role as the facilitator is to act as an independent unbiased guide, drawing on proven tools and frameworks to lead groups through this transformative journey. The success of any engagement requires bringing out and trusting in the collective wisdom of the group to find the solutions. Each session is unique, and that's what makes it so powerful.

  • It means that I can instantly connect with hapū and iwi and we can hit the ground running. I can design approaches that resonate with Māori and align with their values and ways of working. More importantly, I am guided by the Tikanga and Kawa of Mana Whenua

  • Being Māori, te ao Māori naturally flows through my mahi. However, I also intentionally incorporate te ao Māori approaches into my services. So, when you work with me, you'll experience a Māori way of facilitating, including karakia, mihimihi, mauri, & tikanga to name a few

  • While I don't provide cultural competency training, I support teams in co-designing Te Ao Māori strategies, ensuring that initiatives like Te Tiriti training and Te Reo Māori training are driven from the bottom up, involving those impacted by the change

Ngā Pātai FAQ’s

  • To keep things simple, I offer a fixed rate for the delivery of my facilitation services

    Half day wānanga: $1,875 + GST
    Full day wānanga: $2,500 + GST

    20% Discount is available for small NFPs (Tier 4 or Fully Voluntary)

    *This includes planning & delivery of workshops (additional costs are listed below)

    What’s included in this investment?

    • Tailored Wānanga & Agenda Design
      Each wānanga is tailored to suit the clients' specific needs and a significant portion of time is dedicated to preparation

    • Zoom Hui
      Hui via zoom to prepare for the wānanga (as needed)

    • Room Set Up
      Room set up & pack down (including all materials required for the wānanga)

    • Facilitation Delivery: Facilitation of the entire wānanga

    • Debrief: A post-workshop summary and debrief are included. Participants are encouraged to provide feedback.

    Additional costs:

    • Travel & Accommodation

    • Venue, Catering, & Koha to Mana Whenua

    • Co-facilitator (if required)

    • Branding and digital design of your strategy

    Travel costs

    As I live in Dannevirke, travel costs are incorporated as an additional cost into the quote. I provide this at a fixed rate at the time of quoting e.g.

    • If driving, I charge out at the current mileage rate on the IRD website (0.95c per km)

    • If flying, I depart from Palmerston North or Napier airports and will provide a quote based on Flexi-Refund rates including parking fees

    • If staying overnight, I find the cheapest accomodation option

    • I do not charge for meals and the time spent traveling

    Venue and catering

    • You will need to organise the venue, catering & koha

  • Having a co-facilitator is considered essential for certain engagements such as:

    • tuakana/teina model - upskilling more skilled Māori facilitators

    • large groups or public consultations

    • facilitating online with multiple systems

    • managing group tensions or existing conflict

    • partnerships with hapū and iwi

    The presence of a co-facilitator adds depth, versatility, and resilience to the facilitation process, leading to more successful and impactful outcomes. These benefits include:

    Shared Responsibilities: Co-facilitators can divide tasks and responsibilities, allowing for a more balanced workload during the session. This ensures that each facilitator can focus on their areas of expertise and contribute to the overall success of the event.

    Diverse Perspectives: Two facilitators bring different perspectives, experiences, and skills, which can enhance the quality of discussions and problem-solving. Their diverse backgrounds can lead to more comprehensive and well-rounded outcomes.

    Support and Backup: In case one facilitator faces technical difficulties, loses their voice, or needs a break, the other facilitator can step in and provide support, ensuring a seamless experience for participants.

    During our initial discussion (kōrero), we will assess the requirement for a co-facilitator, and their involvement will be considered in the quotation. The cost may vary based on the co-facilitator's rates and the level of expertise they bring to the table.

  • If mana whenua have been invitied to participate in the engagement in the form of opening and closing hui with karakia, sharing stories of the area, or imparting Matauranga Māori please consider providing a koha for their services. Their expertise is highly valued and should be recognised as such. It's also important to understand that their services are in demand and not easily available. They often have multiple commitments to various kaupapa simultaneously, and their time is mostly given out of aroha (love and goodwill).

    Furthermore, giving a koha is a fundamental aspect of Tikanga Māori and is the proper way of showing appreciation and gratitude for their support. If you are having trouble deciding what will be appropriate:

    • consider the time required for their services and charge at a consultancy rate

    • think of the travel required and charge the mileage rate

    • think of things such as kai, coffee/tea and other koha such as taonga as it is also greatly appreciated

  • "Facilitation is the art of guiding people through a process towards agreed upon objectives in a manner that encourages participation, equity, ownership, full potential and creativity by all those involved.” (Technology of Participation Group Facilitation Methods Manual ICAA)

    You know what I really love about facilitating? No engagement is ever the same! We never quite know exactly how each workshop is going to turn out, but we trust in the process to lead us there. The end result is up to the people involved, and it's different every time. It blows my mind how much wisdom and potential we unleash in the room through facilitation. That’s why I love and truly believe in the power of facilitation.